Monday, December 7, 2009



The Abdomen remains one of the most difficult areas to trim or shape. As a newbie in weight training one easily gets accustomed to arm exercises and other exercises tailored at putting other parts of the body into shape. Little wonder show biz people end up with the option of getting personal trainers/Instructors even with all the weight training equipment at their disposal. One needs a lot of guidance to keep going on, in order to achieve these dream abs.
Nick Nilsson's new book "The best Ab exercises you have never heard of”. Nick wrote this book after a lot of research. Some of the exercises are like some funny poses but when you try out some of them,you soon discover how effective they are.Some good fitness books can be obtained here: One really needs a guide to be able to pull through. Books remain a very good guide. Ab exercises if not properly done are just futile activities. There are exercises for different body types and sizes. One needs to take all these into consideration before one embarks on any exercise program. Todd Scott actually gave an anecdote of the former Guinness book of records holder Mark Pfeltz ,Mark did 45,005 sit-ups in 58.5 hours.Now Mark made us know then, that he trained his abdominals and waist for hours everyday to have been able to achieve his feat,but Mark still had very obvious belly fat. Todd’s main reason for giving this anecdote is to drive home the point that not just sit ups can give you the perfect abs. Different bodies require different treatments. A Balanced exercise regimen will get you the perfect abs. Personally I have never had a problem with burning fat and building muscle. It was always a piece of cake for me, but I relax and the fat soon comes back.The greatest problem I had then was just trimming down my tummy. I was always quick to give up until stumbled upon Todd Scott’s program. I followed it to the letter and in a few weeks, I started getting comments.I just didn’t want o bother myself checking on any noticeable improvement but soon after starting,the comments were coming.One thing about Scotts program is too much detail. When you begin with the program, You soon discover that a lot of exercises are not properly done and so no results achieved.You can get more details about Tod’s program here.It’s just a simplistic approach to achieving those abs you have always loved. No Bogus claims.

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